AI used to deal with cold callers
Published in AI

Zero pity 

Cold and automated callers are suddenly facing a hard time from AI software and voice cloners which are simulating victims and who are willing to keep them on the phone forever.

Baidu’s Ernie bot already outperforming OpenAI’s ChatGPT
Published in AI

Ernie 3.5 based on more data

China’s search engine outfit Baidu claims that the artificial intelligence model underpinning its chatbot outperformed OpenAI’s ChatGPT in several key areas.

Nvidia partners with Snowflake on AI
Published in AI

Will help customers build their own products

Cloudy Snowflake is partnering with the chipmaker named after a vengeance daemon Nvidia to allow customers to build AI models using their own data.

People training AI models outsourcing to AI
Published in AI

What could go wrong

A significant proportion of people paid to train AI models may be themselves outsourcing that work to AI, a new study has found.

German church replaces priest with AI
Published in AI

Much more precise

A church in Germany has held the first AI-driven mass in a move that some might feel is a reform too far.